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Youth composes up to 52% of the population in Uzbekistan. During the last few years, the government of Uzbekistan put a high priority on the improvement of education and protection of youth, empowering young people by creating new opportunities for employment and vocation training, increasing participation in different aspects of life. A significant step towards youth was proved through the presidential decree issued in January 2022 on "Measures on the strengthening of the system of work with youth in makhalla" which introduce new positions of Youth leaders in schools and local communities. The key directions of work of Youth leaders in both settings are: a) propaganda of culture and art through conducting different competitions and festivals for the young population, b) promotion of healthy lifestyle and conducting sports competitions, c) facilitation of effective use of digital technologies, d) spiritual support to youngsters and promotion of books' reading, e) promotion of patriotism and improvement of legal literacy, and f) support of entrepreneurship among young people. Youth leaders will have the authority and power to make recommendations on the measures/activities/financial support required in the setting he/she is responsible for based on situation assessment.

The positions of Youth leaders are very strategic in terms of direct access to the young population and influence on programme interventions, it is crucial to build the capacity of newly appointed Youth leaders on such issues as gender-based sexual reproductive health, family planning, HIV/STI prevention, healthy lifestyle.

UNFPA has the following successful experiences:
• Working with volunteers from Youth leaders working in schools and communities of the selected districts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan has demonstrated success of using the peer-to-peer approach in sharing information about sensitive issues on sexual reproductive health among adolescents and youth
• Introduction topics related to sexual reproductive health, family planning, healthy lifestyle, HIV/STI prevention to school curricula in the Republic of Karakalpakstan
• Revision of health services to make them friendly to youth through the development of a set of standards for a medical facility

Purpose of the consultancy: An Individual Consultant will be hired to provide technical expertise to UNFPA, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Public Education (MOPE) on the introduction of sexual reproductive health, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, Healthy lifestyle topics to national school curricula and capacity building programme for extra-curricula and "klassnyi chas" for teachers, class leaders and psychologists from secondary school.


The National consultant will acquire knowledge and information about UNFPA activities and plans related to youth and will be responsible for the following:

1. Technical support to Psychological-pedagogical centre for teachers and students under the MOPE (Tashkhis) to produce online training course to be located on Tashkhis website and info sessions to be located in the devoted Telegramme channel for teachers, class leaders and psychologists in schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan to be used for extra-curricula activities and "Klassnyi chas" lessons
1.1. Reviewing the results of SERAT (Sexuality Education Review and Assessment) to ensure consistency in the incorporation of SRH issues in the school curriculum
1.2. Reviewing and systematization of the documents and materials developed in the MPTSHF2 (Youth) project
1.3. Development of course outline consisting of at least 10 topics on reproductive health, family planning, HLS, menstrual hygiene, early pregnancy, prevention of HIV/STI, gender-based violence and stigma, etc
1.4. Development of the content for each topic with reference materials
1.5. Development of the final test questions/answers for the certification process
1.6. Getting involvement of profile specialists when needed for clearing the content and getting the content approved by relevant departments of the Ministry of Health
1.7. Provision of technical support to video/audio team from Tashkhis throughout shooting and filming process
1.8. Verification of quality of final video according to the content and scenario developed
1.9. Monitoring and reporting on the number of visits to the online course and the number of certified professionals

2. Provision of online webinars (learning sessions) on reproductive health, family planning, prevention of HIV and STI, HLS, etc
2.1. Development of the webinar programme and preparation of presentation and distribution materials
2.2. Conducting online webinars on each topic not less than eight sessions
2.3. Preparing report on training activities with a number of attendees

3. Summary report on the activities under the MPHSTF project
3.1. Co-facilitation of the remaining trainings for peer educators on soft skills which will include but are not limited to a healthy lifestyle, public speaking, project development and management and other soft skills etc. based on a peer-to-peer methodology
3.2. Recommendations and follow up in the design of the information and methodology materials developed in 2021
3.3. Consolidation of the key results and achievements, problems and solutions observed during the project implementation phase through meetings and interviews with the project implementors
3.4. An analysis of key achievements, lessons learned in the education sector
3.5. An analysis of key achievements and lessons learned in the work with volunteers through meeting and round table discussions
3.6. Development of the list of recommendations for possible benefits due to scale up and/or institutionalization of the project interventions


Age: n/a

Gender: Irrelevant

Residence:Citizen of Uzbekistan


Professional requirements- Academic background: The consultant should have a master's degree in education, public health, adolescent health or reproductive health,
- Primary expertise required education and project management,
- Work experience: experience of working in the healthcare system, work in the Ministry of Health is an asset; experience of working with the Ministry of Public Education, the experience of leading complex programmes and projects, working with Youth and NGOs, excellent analytical skills, communication and writing skills, previous work with UN is an asset




Salary offeredTBD

Extra motivationThe consultant will work online with travel to the Republic of Karakalpakstan as required.

The consultant will distribute work objectives in line with the UNFPA project timeframe and will be responsible for the following deliverables:

1. Technical support to Psychological-pedagogical centre for teachers and students under the MOPE (Tashkhis) to produce online training course to be located on Tashkhis website and info sessions to be located in the devoted Telegramme channel for teachers, class leaders and psychologists in schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan to be used for extra-curricula activities and "Klassnyi chas" lessons – 41 days
1.1. List of the documents and materials developed in MPHSTF (Youth) project – 5 days
1.2. Course outline consisting of at least 10 topics on reproductive health, family planning, HLS, menstrual hygiene, prevention of HIV/STI, gender and stigma, etc – 3 days
1.3. Content for each topic with reference materials approved by relevant MOH department – 10 days
1.4. Final test questions/answers for certification process approved by relevant MOH department – 3 days
1.5. Final video for online course and announce in two languages are developed – 15 days
1.6. Report with number of visits to the online course and certified professionals – 5 days

2. Provision of online webinars (learning sessions) on reproductive health, family planning, prevention of HIV and STI, HLS, etc– 42 days
2.1. Training programme with presentation and distribution materials – 10 days
2.2. Conducting online training sessions on each topic not less than eight sessions – 27 days
2.3. Preparing report on training activities with a number of attendees – 5 days

3. Summary report on the activities under MPHSTF project: 58 days
3.1. Report on co-facilitation of the trainings for peer educators - 15 days
3.2. Design of the information and methodological materials approved by national partners - 5 days
3.3. Outline of the summary report on MPHSTF project: - 3 days
3.4. At least four field visits to be undertaken to observe the work in the project and meet with project participants (teachers, volunteers, management, beneficiaries) to collect information for the project: 12 days to be used in line with the project activities (training, meetings, monitoring visits, etc)
3.5. Data collected from the project: 5 days during the last three months of project implementation
3.6. Draft report is developed: 13 days
3.7. Final report with feedback collected: 5 days

The incumbents will work under the supervision of the NPO SRH and close guidance of the SRH/Youth Associate.

Reports listed above will be submitted in electronic format according to the following schedule:
Report (1.6) not later than 30 July 2022
Report (2.3) not later than 30 August 2022
Report (3.1) not later than 30 April 2022
Report (3.7) not later than 30 October 2022

Basis of Payment:
The consultant will be paid on monthly basis upon submission of reports on the deliverables listed above

Additional information

Additional information:Important applicant information

The deadline for submission of the applications is the 25th of March 2022 COB Tashkent time.

UNFPA does not solicit or screen for information in respect of HIV or AIDS and does not discriminate on the basis of HIV/AIDS status

Workforce diversity

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, Embracing diversity in all its forms, integrity, and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balanced gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities for all including persons with disabilities.


Applicants with the required qualification, experience and skills can send their CV and Motivation letter to

Notice: There is no application, processing, or other fees at any stage of the application process.

WARNING TO APPLICANTS: UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing, or other fees in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you have received a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names, and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web. Should you feel that you have received a fraudulent notice, letter, or offer that makes use of the name or logo of UNFPA, you may submit a report through the UNFPA fraud hotline.