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The first Forum “The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan”

The first Forum “The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan”


The first Forum “The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan”

calendar_today 17 December 2020

On 14 December 2020, the first Forum on the theme: "The role of women parliamentarians in the development of Uzbekistan" was held in Tashkent.

The event was organized by the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Commission on Gender Equality in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program, OSCE and UNFPA .

It was attended by members of the Senate and deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, deputies of local Kengashes, members of the Youth Parliament, senior officials of state bodies and public organizations, representatives of international organizations, as well as media workers.

At the event, the Speaker of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbaeva made an opening speech.

It was noted that the full participation of women in solving political and socio-economic problems is a prerequisite for economic progress, democratic development and stability in society.

Important decisions made with the participation of women ensure the success of reforms carried out along the path of democratizing society. Therefore, ensuring the rights and interests of women in our country, their all-round support is an important direction of state policy.

Thanks to the results of practical work last year, 48 women deputies were elected to the lower house of parliament, which is 32% of the total number of deputies, 25% are members of the Senate. For the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, the number of women in the national parliament has reached the level established in the UN recommendations. The parliament of our country rose to 37th place among 190 parliaments of the world in terms of the number of women.

During the Forum, the need to improve the activities of women deputies elected to representative bodies was noted, as well as the existence of a number of problems in using the powers granted to them, for the solution of which a platform for women parliamentarians should be created.

In addition, it was noted that this Forum serves to strengthen the role of women in the political arena and to strengthen constructive relations between representative authorities and parliament.

Forum participants expressed their views on the creation of a women's parliamentary association, determined its general goals and objectives, strategy and directions of action.

In addition, the Forum participants discussed five areas for considering the proposals and opinions expressed, new ideas to strengthen the role of women in parliament along the path of development of our country. In particular, special attention was paid to the participation of women deputies in the social and political life of Uzbekistan.

At the same time, they talked about the prospects for women's activities in the development of the country's economy and agriculture.

Within the framework of the forum, issues on involving women in the processes of supporting science, education, upbringing and innovation initiatives were considered, proposals and recommendations were given on them. It was noted that today 25% of women have a PhD and 20% of women have a Doctor of Science (DSc), which indicates the need to support women in this area.

They also noted the importance of stabilizing the socio-moral environment in the family, protecting women from oppression and violence, strengthening parliamentary and public control over the prevention of negative phenomena among them, as well as the need to strengthen cooperation between the parliament and public organizations in this direction.

At the end of the Forum, the opinions and proposals of the participants were summarized, and appropriate recommendations were developed.