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Increasing awareness of decision makers at the regional level on UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Universal Periodic Review

Increasing awareness of decision makers at the regional level on UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Universal Periodic Review


Increasing awareness of decision makers at the regional level on UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Universal Periodic Review

calendar_today 14 November 2018

14 November 2018, Samarkand city, Uzbekistan - Round table: Promoting awareness of decision makers at the regional level regarding women's rights: UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and Universal Periodic Review, UPR.

Women's Committee of Uzbekistan, together with UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund and British Embassy in Uzbekistan, held a round table on: Promoting awareness of decision-makers at the regional level on women's rights: the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, CEDAW and the Universal Periodic Review, UPR.

The purpose of the round table was holding orientation meetings at the national and regional levels in order to raise the awareness of decision makers on women's rights, including the UPR (Universal Periodic Review) and CEDAW (The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, as well as their elements, with particular attention to prevention and response to gender-based violence.

During the round table, the participants familiarized themselves with the above-mentioned international and national documents. The participants paid particular attention to the implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) approved at the government level to implement the Final Recommendations of the UN Committee on CEDAW on the Fifth Periodic Report of Uzbekistan and the NAP on the UPR.

During the discussion, the participants noted that the main task in the implementation, monitoring and reporting of the CEDAW Convention is to inform the general public about the goals and objectives of the Convention, publicity and education of youth, women and community leaders on the goals and objectives of the CEDAW Convention and the UPR, and ministries, departments, regional authorities, public organizations, the media and NGOs for a qualitative approach in the preparation of periodic national reports.

The round table contributed to enhancing the capacity of decision-makers with respect to women, including the UPR and CEDAW, with a special focus on the principles of preventing domestic violence against girls and women.