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International conference dedicated to the International Day of Families

International conference dedicated to the International Day of Families


International conference dedicated to the International Day of Families

calendar_today 17 May 2022

group of people -participants of the meeting sit at the table
Conference dedicated to the International Day of Families

TASHKENT- 17 May, 2022. International scientific-practical conference on the topic "The role of values in the development of the family: national and foreign experience" was organized by the State Committee for Family and Women of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Scientific-research Institute "Family and Women" with the support from UNFPA.

The main purpose of the international conference was to further develop the Institute of the Family based on international experience and expert opinion in this area and to develop the professional competence of leaders and specialists in the field of family values, science, and professional competence. Development of proposals and recommendations on the prospects for further development of the family institution through national and universal values.

More than 70 leading experts of the diplomatic corps of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, specialists, scientists, representatives of ministries and departments of the Republic, professors, and teachers of higher educational institutions of the Republic, representatives of civil society institutions and the media took part in the international conference. The event was attended by representatives from Japan, Malaysia, Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, the CIS, and the European Union.

Indeed, after independence, about 100 legal documents have been adopted on several issues, including the protection of the rights and interests of the family, women, youth, social support, further strengthening of their position in society, employment, prevention of poverty, the formation of a sense of happiness in life, increasing the participation of women in the development of the state and society, acquiring knowledge in a profession, creating opportunities for entrepreneurial activity, creating conditions for them to realize their abilities and potential in various other fields, and increasing public participation in the development of society and the state, as well as ensuring gender equality.

By the Decree of the President DP-60 of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 “On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, 7 directions and 100 goals were established, of which the fifth direction is to “Ensure spiritual development and bring the industry to a new level”. The essence of 71- 78 goals, which are also addressed is to strengthen the spiritual foundation of the family.  As for Goal 69, it is to “support women and ensure their active participation in society.”

 The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution at the meeting on September 20, 1993, on the idea of celebrating May 15 as "International Day of the Family".  Since 1994, our country has been celebrating this day regularly.

Since May 15 is the International Day of the Family, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved a comprehensive program of activities to promote the idea of "On the way to a prosperous family" on April 29, 2022.

Paragraph 15 of the above program instructs officials of the Research Institute "Family and Woman" in cooperation with ministries and departments to hold an international scientific and practical conference on the topic of "The role of values in strengthening the family: domestic and foreign experience."

At this international conference, about 20 lectures were read on topics such as the role of social and labor relations in strengthening the family, social mechanisms for family development in Uzbekistan, social support for the family - EU labor market policy, the impact of European values ​​on the family, the role of values ​​in the spiritual family development in New Uzbekistan, gender equality, the importance of human rights and modern family theories in Japan. The region's experts also held discussions and questions and answers, including developing proposals and recommendations for enhancing the role of values ​​in family development based on domestic and foreign experience.

Articles from the international scientific-practical conference are published in the form of a collection.