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Launching of "No to Violence" Telegram channel to support women and girls in crisis and thereafter

Launching of "No to Violence" Telegram channel to support women and girls in crisis and thereafter


Launching of "No to Violence" Telegram channel to support women and girls in crisis and thereafter

calendar_today 17 April 2020

"No to Violence" Telegram channel starts its functioning

Pandemics compound existing gender inequalities and vulnerabilities, increasing risks of abuse. In times of crisis such as an outbreak, women and girls may be at higher risk, for example, of intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic violence due to heightened tensions in the household. They also face increased risks of other forms of gender-based violence including sexual exploitation and abuse in these situations.

The situation with the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the world, as well as in Uzbekistan, remains tense. The practice of different countries of the world shows that during crisis period and quarantine situation, the number of divorces sharply increases and the risk of gender-based violence increases due to factors such as the lack of a normal working regime, uncertainty about the future, fear of losing a job and financial basement, panic and anxiety, fear of losing the role of breadwinner, stress, irritability, increased alcohol and drug addiction, closed spaces, inaccessibility of the possibility to change the place of residence.

In view of this a dedicated Telegram channel (https://t.me/zoravonlikka_yol_yoq_netnasiliyu) has been launched for women and girls, governmental and non-governmental organizations that are directly involved in the prevention and response to gender-based violence, journalists and bloggers, as well as a wide range of users.

On this channel you can find practical information and contacts for those who has experienced gender-based violence in the family or in the workplace. The channel will also highlight the news related to issues of gender equality and combating gender-based violence in our country and in the world, and it will also be possible to find answers to other questions relating to ensuring equal rights and equal opportunities for both women and men.

This channel was created under the auspices of the Commission on Gender Equality of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the support of the United Nations Population Fund in Uzbekistan and will operate under the Republican Center for the Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women.