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Pilot training on working with perpetrators in Nukus

Pilot training on working with perpetrators in Nukus


Pilot training on working with perpetrators in Nukus

calendar_today 16 June 2021

NUKUS, June 15-17, 2021 The Senate Commission on Gender Equality of the Republic of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is conducting a three-day training on working with perpetrators, titled: "Working with perpetrators of gender-based violence" in the city of Nukus. The training participants include representatives of multisectoral response team to gender-based violence from the pilot mahallas of the city of Nukus, Nukus, Khojeyli, Amudarya and Karakavuz districts, namely law enforcement, healthcare, social and psychological service providers. This project is implemented with support from the Government of Japan.

The main goal of the training is to create prerequisites for improving multisectoral response to the implementation of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 4, 2020 No. 3 "On measures to improve the system of protection of women from harassment and violence" and capacity building of the relevant authorities.

The key tasks of the training are to inform participants on the national legal framework for gender equality and combating gender-based violence, the concept of "Aggressive Behavior", discuss and analyze the causes of aggressive behavior in relationships, psychological and socio-legal aspects of aggression, measures to prevent the recurrence of gender-based violence, discuss the mechanism of interagency cooperation around the work with perpetrators, mechanism of documenting cases of gender-based violence, inform on the single database on GBV and model programs for correcting behavior of perpetrators for various service providers for further testing in selected mahallas of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

The main target groups participating in the trainings are crime prevention inspectors in the pilot districts, inspectors working with women, Chairs and Deputy Chairs for Women's Affair of pilot Mahallas, representatives of regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Employment and labor relations, Ministry of Mahalla and Family Affairs, psychologists from regional rehabilitation centers, school psychologists, methodologists from district departments of public education institutions, local NGOs’ psychologists, family doctors, district psychiatrists and forensic experts, representatives of employment centers and representatives of the Agency for Youth Affairs.

For reference: In accordance with the recommendation of the Commission on Gender Equality of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the UNFPA Office in Uzbekistan and with support from the Government of Japan, a project has been implemented to develop standard operating procedures (SOP) to provide prompt and high-quality assistance to female victims of harassment and violence. The first stage of online trainings for representatives of relevant ministries and departments was successfully completed in August 2020.