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Series of Initiatives to Support Women with Breast Cancer are Held in Regions

Series of Initiatives to Support Women with Breast Cancer are Held in Regions


Series of Initiatives to Support Women with Breast Cancer are Held in Regions

calendar_today 20 June 2012

During June 14-29 series of training on “Psychological aspects of cancer diseases of reproductive system” will be held in Djizak, Bukhara and Fergana. Psychologists, mammology and gynecology specialists of oncological hospitals, specialists in charge of disability, representatives of women’s councils of khokimiyats and large enterprises, as well as other concerned experts will take part in the training. Pscychological counseling sessions for breast cancer patients and survivors will also be part of this initiative. The events are being held jointly by National Breast Cancer Association “In the Name of Life” and UN Population Fund (UNFPA). 

The Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan and NGO “Women’s Council” are co-organizing this training. The 3-day training consists of two parts, and will be led by experienced professionals: medical psychologist and oncologist-mammologists.

During the first day, participants of the training will learn how to provide good-quality psychological, medical and informational support to women with breast cancer. Participants will be trained techniques of effective and competent communication with patients suffering from oncological diseases. Participants will be engaged in group work, performing psychological exercises and sharing their views. The training will cover more than 100 experts who interact with breast cancer patients in their daily work.

During the second and third days, psychological counseling for women with cancers of reproductive system will be held. The sessions will be held in groups of 10-12 patients. Participants for these sessions were earlier nominated by local oncologists; all of them live with cancer and require psychological support. During the sessions trainers will also discuss with patients issues like prevention of complications, diets, and healthy lifestyles. In all, the sessions will cover around 300 women, 100 in each region.

The need for establishing psychological support services at oncological institutions in Uzbekistan has been discussed earlier. It is also very important to train experts at all levels, who work with breast cancer patients, including doctors, social workers, lawyers, faith workers and others. This initiative is becoming the first step towards realization of this goal. After the pilot trainings in Djizak, Bukhara and Fergana, similar training events will be held in all regions of Uzbekistan.

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