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UNFPA is a part of the new Joint Project "Laying the foundations for people-centred, climate-resilient primary health care and water, sanitation and hygiene practices at healthcare facilities and schools in Karakalpakstan"

UNFPA is a part of the new Joint Project  "Laying the foundations for people-centred, climate-resilient primary health care and water, sanitation and hygiene practices at healthcare facilities and schools in Karakalpakstan"


UNFPA is a part of the new Joint Project "Laying the foundations for people-centred, climate-resilient primary health care and water, sanitation and hygiene practices at healthcare facilities and schools in Karakalpakstan"

calendar_today 02 March 2023

group of people -participants of the meeting sit at the table
"Laying the foundations for people-centred, climate-resilient primary health care and water, sanitation and hygiene practices at healthcare facilities and schools in Karakalpakstan"

NUKUS, 2 March, 2023 - Today, UNICEF, WHO and UNFPA joined hands to launch a new joint project on "Laying the foundations for people-centred, climate-resilient primary health care and water, sanitation and hygiene practices at healthcare facilities and schools in Karakalpakstan". 

The project will last two years and in accordance with the Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) objectives, this Joint-Program seeks to:

  • Increase access to climate-resilient Primary Health Care and water, sanitation and hygiene services for 320,000 people in Karakalpakstan;
  • Expand availability of 10 climate-smart safe and clean schools for 5,000 children and adolescents in Karakalpakstan
  • Improve inclusive education, the health and climate change needs for 241,000 people in three districts (Kegeyli, Shimbay and Karaozek, including Nukus city for inclusive education).

 The Joint-Programme has a strong multi-partnership and multi-stakeholder approach and will bring together various parts of Governments, UN and other entities.

The  launch event in Nukus was attended by 120 participants, including representatives of the different areas of the Government, international organizations, as well as representatives of the academia and the general public.

In 2021, UNFPA supported a pilot project on cervical cancer in 10 districts at the north part of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (RoK), which covered 50,000 women with HPV testing, observational colposcopy and further treatment of different stage of cervical lesions. More than 500 obstetrics and gynecologists (OBGYNs), midwives, general practitioners, patronage nurses, and oncologists were trained on sampling, testing, observation, counselling and treatment of cervical cancer. All OBGYNs were trained on colposcopy and refreshed their knowledge and skills on visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA). Eight laboratories for HPV testing along with 50,000 HPV test kits and reagents were procured and installed. More than 25 laboratory specialists learned how to work with the equipment, conduct testing and record results.

As a result of the screening, 95% out of 3,306 HPV+ women attended initial observational colposcopy. 64% of them were found to have high-grade cervical lesions and were referred to the Oncology Center in Nukus city.

The pilot project proved the high effectiveness of HPV test-based screening for cervical cancer. However, existing cervical cancer screening protocol is not reducing cervical cancer rates and needs to be updated in line with the project results and international practices. Since laboratory services are well developed, there is a need for institutionalisation of the use of HPV testing for cervical cancer screening and treatment. Additionally, there is a need to develop the clinical guidelines and Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) to ensure continuous high quality health services for women aged 30-55.This project affords the opportunity to apply the abovementioned new models of service delivery and health financing, and systems of digital records in Karakalpakstan.

The project will address the gaps in capacity of medical professionals working at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels on NCDs, maternal and child health, and cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment. It will improve the referral system by strengthening communication between two levels and follow up at primary level. The pilot project results will allow increasing awareness of the population on the priority health programmes offered by the government and available at the primary level.


The project will also improve knowledge on healthy lifestyle and health education on sexual and reproductive health for school aged children. It is important to note that in the framework of the project low knowledge on health information will be addresses by introducing online platforms for health information dissemination.


About UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region in Uzbekistan

The UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region in Uzbekistan (MPHSTF), established under the auspices of the United Nations in late 2018, provides an integrated platform for national and international cooperation to address the ecological and socio-economic needs of communities living in the Aral Sea region, as well as to accelerate joint efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. For more information, please visit: https://www.aral.mptf.uz/.