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UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region COVID-19 Situation Report No. 1

UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region COVID-19 Situation Report No. 1
UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region COVID-19 Situation Report No. 1


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Situation Report

UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region COVID-19 Situation Report No. 1

Publication date

21 April 2020

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  • All countries have reported COVID-19 cases except Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, with Turkey being the most affected.
  • Restrictions, lockdowns and border closures are affecting operations, supply chains and procurement of personal protective equipment and other supplies resulting in shortages.1
  • Lockdowns make it difficult to reach and assist vulnerable populations, including migrants, refugees, people with disabilities, minorities, elderly, pregnant and lactating women, survivors of gender-based violence and homeless people.
  • There is limited access to some regions in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244*), and difficulties in coordination of service delivery in several countries due to changing referral pathways and reporting lines.
  • UNFPA is working with governments and partners to maintain sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services, including psychosocial support, and support to elderly people.
  • UNFPA has mobilized the youth across the region to support COVID-19 prevention and response, and vulnerable communities, including the elderly.
  • UNFPA joined UN Women in rolling out a regional rapid gender assessment on COVID-19 impact.