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Photo contest #Faces of Diversity within 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

Photo contest #Faces of Diversity within 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign


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Terms of participation in the photo contest #Faces of Diversity announced on the occasion of the '16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence' Campaign 

  • Everyone can participate in the competition on an equal basis: from amateurs to professional photographers.
  • Contest participants need to upload a photo to their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page, accompany it with a description, the #FacesOfDiversity hashtag of the contest and mark the contest page. The winner will be the one who for the set period of time will collect the most likes on Instagram (photos will be found by the organizers by the above hashtag and uploaded to https://www.instagram.com/faces_of_diversity/
  • Under the terms of the contest, the participant can upload one photo or a series of photos (photo project) on the theme of the contest, reflecting the diversity of professions in which women and girls work in Uzbekistan.
  • Photos taking part in the prsent contest must be copyrighted and taken exclusively for this competition.
  • According to the results of the competition by users of social networks 3 winners will be determined, announced and awarded. An unlimited number of photos will be selected by the organizers of the competition to compile the UN gallery, their owners will also be announced and awarded.
  • Three winners selected by users of social networks for the largest number of collected likes will receive certificates of the UN gallery participants and photo contest winners, as well as memorable prizes (1st place - tablet; 2nd place - phone; 3rd place - hard drive. Participants whose photos are chosen by the organizers, receive certificates of participants of the UN photo gallery, notebooks, pens, flash drives or other memorable prizes.
  • Dates of the competition: from 2 to 20 November
  • Counting totals and announcement of results: from 21 to 25 November
  • Copyright: Contest participants give their consent to the distribution, reproduction, copying, publishing and use of photos by the organizers and partners. The organizers and partners, for their part, pledge to identify the author of the photo in their publications.